Saturday, 12 November 2016
Finally, Started learning angular 2.. It is been a while, i wanted to learn angular 2 but got busy with other works.. Then my company itself provided us angular training + FOOD :D... hooo..! Thank You..Training ended good.. hope i can share my road block in the following post.. :)
as of now.. & my angular trainer gitub
Thursdau 09 Feb 2017
so, now my 1st task to myself is, guess.. the same login page, what else it would be.. the developers who start learning a language obviously first task would be LOGIN page. So folks, lets begin.
I'm gonna continue with the application which i have in hand, which Mr.Haribabu helped me to create in a 3 days angular training.
Hope, it looks not that bad, lets do the logic in the fore-coming days.. ;)