Thursday, 30 March 2017

Filter request url based on func code - 1111 Spring security

hope, from the title itself, you would have guess, yes URL restriction based on JAS  response. 

i'm not sure you guys can follow the above link easily, however, in my case, i can. i say you why, i have implemented a functionality of disabling a button in JSP page.

so, it looks like the continuation of that, thought will complete in some time. but it says, not so easy buddy. 😄

Case i)
earlier, i had the object in the session and i can get object as ${OBJECT} and give permission. 

<sec:accesscontrollist hasPermission="101001"   domainObject="${USER_FUNCTIONS}"> 
Now it is opposite, need to do the same implementation in JAVA used @PreAuthorize("hasPermission(OBJECT,'TEST123')"),  thought it would work. But it didn't.

got blocked in here..

current scenario, 
* having the object in the session, nee to get that object and make the @PreAuthorize to work. but, how i ll set the session object in the annotation.

i tried getting the session object gloabally using, 

HttpServletRequest request = ((ServletRequestAttributes) RequestContextHolder
HttpSession session = request.getSession();
List<String> functionList = (List<String>)session.getAttribute("OBJECT");

since in spring, the controller will compile in the run time itself, i got error. 

case ii)

since the case i) didn't worked, another !dea spared.
doing the restriction in the configuration itself, using

<intercept-url pattern="/test/edit/**" access="hasPermission(OBJECT,'TEST123')"/>

this also didn't worked.

Finding a way to fix it.

Finally, after a long waiting fixed it